Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance

Final Tally
279 CNA
261 LCM
17 challenged votes
1 voided ballot
If you didn’t vote, well……you lost a chance to be heard

Keep your voice and your control over your future career at
Little Company of Mary


Who Earns?

Where will all your dues payments go?

Little Company of Mary speak out in their own words



Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance
Rally Against the California Nurses Association
Friday September 6th 2013 0600 to 1000
Come show your support for your hospital and your profession.





SEIU LOSES 383 to 249 at
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center

August 23, 2013:  Providence Holy Cross Medical Center employee’s voted with their hearts, minds and conscience and defeated the SEIU today by a vote of 383 against the giant labor union to 249 in favor. The community served by the medical center can now rest assured of years caring dedicated service from the professional staff.

smallHolyCrossVOTE NO!


Check this shocking YouTube video


Labor union ‘raids’ on rise as rivals seek to boost membership, clout

Unions File Petition Against Holy Cross




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72 Responses to Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance

  1. Cee Cee September 13, 2013 at 09:17 #

    The harassment and hostility was just overwhelming for some. The bullying by the union organizers and yes even some staff is just plain unacceptable and we need to report it.

    • Michelle September 18, 2013 at 21:34 #

      Oh Cee Cee…

      Please stop the dishonesty The Labor board takes lying very seriously …lies and the hospital disrespecting the nurses rights to become a union.. Obstruction of justice is punishable by the law……….. they are also failing in their core value of respect.. the certification will happen…and if your anti union nurses are found to be lying…….they will be held accountable. by the labor board….

      keep informed. Stay united……

    • Kate September 18, 2013 at 21:41 #

      LCMH is so desperate that they are spreading lies of harassment…if nurses lie they will be held accountable to their maker and the labor board

      CNA all the way…

      lies by management may cause delay ..
      the hoarding of profits……they will now have to pay

      and their control….will soon decay!!!!!!!

      hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!

      yay for CNA ..YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • DIane September 18, 2013 at 21:43 #

      cee cee

      please don’t are making yourself look very foolish and you are not showing the core value of respect

      give it up…follow the law….

    • DIane September 18, 2013 at 21:47 #

      their was
      no bullying…on CNAS ..only by the hospital with their propaganda………

      the hospital is going to get in a lot of trouble!!!!!/wait and see Cee Cee

      we will be back to counteract your dishonesty

    • Janet September 18, 2013 at 21:49 #

      The hospital is a sore loser…so is LIz dunne. and Michael Jongsma

      We heard that he had is wife …lie and pretend that she was a bedside nurse to vote….there is one challenge….this will come out with the investigation

      How low can you go.!!!!!!

    • Dee September 22, 2013 at 23:42 #

      Unfortunately the administration at Providence Little Company of Mary hospital in Torrance are sore losers and are not exhibiting the core value of respect in the nurses choice to become a union.

      The dis respect it so much….that they had the audacity …….. to have the CNO’s wife try and vote when she was not eligible to vote,,,,

      How low can you get Mr Jongsma? Where are your core values?

  2. Sutter Tracy RN September 9, 2013 at 12:53 #

    As I read the posts, I see how ugly it’s obviously gotten at your hospital and the election hasn’t even taken place. This is a very telling sign of what’s to come; should the union prevail. You will have a divided house with frienships broken and teamwork thrown out the window. How do I know this? Because this is what’s happening at our Hospital – Sutter Tracey — the union was elected at our hopsital, March 2012. The union only won by a small margin (3 votes) – now 18 months later we have no contract, a lot of changes in managament and broken promises from the C.N.A. The union even re-asssigned our Labor Rep and left our bargaining reps to really fend for themselves at the table with management. We liked the rep we had, we don’t like our current nurse reps. The message from the union has changed as well. Initially it was about nursing practices and patient care, now its about their right to collect dues and now we are hearing the union wants to take us out on a strike. Most of us feel really lost right now. And this all because we foolishly gave the union a chance. Think long and hard when you go to the polls this week. God Bless and Good Luck.

    • diane September 9, 2013 at 14:05 #

      26 miiliion in profits after saleries..after everything…..year 2011….why cant even get our techs back……hello?

    • Michelle September 9, 2013 at 14:18 #

      To Sutter tracy:

      I guess you have had a bad experience…..some hospitals have a good experience…..thanks for your input..Hope it gets better for you.

    • JAnet September 9, 2013 at 14:19 #

      to Sutter RN

      Sounds like your hospital is having a bad experience…….some have good experiences….Hope yours gets better…sounds like pros and cons…….

  3. David September 9, 2013 at 08:52 #

    Who filed those Federal Charges”? The union filed those charges! Why? Because they needed to be able to say “federal charges filed against LCM” two of the bogus charges have already been dismissed by the labor board.
    Don’t believe me? Look it up.
    The CNA union is slamming your hospital, attacking the quality care you provide your patients. The are attacking good nurses who speak out against them.
    Why is it that the union demands free speech and protection only for those that agree with them? Read between the lines, CNA/NNU stands to make MILLIONS of dollars from YOUR pockets if they are voted in.
    This isn’t about patient protection or nursing protection or fairness. It’s about profits and numbers.
    All of us are educated, critical thinking Registered Nurses. We do not need Big Labor interfering with the caring compassionate and professional work we do.

    VOTE NO!

    • Michelle September 9, 2013 at 14:16 #

      A nurse filed those charges…..

    • Many tired bedside RNs September 9, 2013 at 17:12 #

      Many of us are not voting…

      we are tired of your bickering..If we have a union fine..if we don’t fine..We will all survive..GIVE IT A REST!!!!!!!

      we could work with eiher and so will HR administration and MIchael J…

      and so can we and so can magnet…..:) Get real, get honest and get a life

      • Gee September 10, 2013 at 21:49 #

        I won’t give the union my vote. Not voting is a cave in-speak up and stand your ground as a educated professional nurse. Empowerment is the act of choosing and making decisions-this won’t happen with the union. Vote NO!!

  4. everybody'shelper September 9, 2013 at 07:30 #

    WAKE UP!
    CNA/NNOC/NNU and SEIU are only in this for the money. Look up how many Unfair Labor Practices these unions have had filed against them by the people they claim to represent! You don’t gain a voice with the union, YOU LOSE YOUR VOICE!
    Nurses, by nature and definition, are critical thinkers! Don’t make this vital decision based on emotion.
    Back in the day unions were able to compel employers to negotiate about safety practices but now we have OSHA. We have overtime rules and minimum wage laws and the EEOC. We have so many laws an regulations that protect workers regardless of the union. I personally don’t need or want to pay someone $332-$120 a month to make a phone call for me!! That’s all they do, the call the regulatory agencies that you already pay taxes for. Sounds like double dipping to me.
    And wages, think about wages. In the 1950’s not everyone had a car and couldn’t drive 20-40 minutes to get a better wage. Now we can and do! If you want a union so bad, go work where there is one! Don’t try to ruin it for everyone else. Unions have outlived their usefulness.
    I saw the comment that if it wasn’t bad, the employees wouldn’t have sought a union. They probably didn’t. Think about how many nurses work per diem at a union hospital. I’m sure CNA probably paid one or more of them to get cards signed at LCM. Sad that people can be bought, but they can. I have heard as much as $20 per card signed…
    I seriously doubt that someone called CNA and asked them to come and organize, this is not Norma Rae days…
    Good Luck, Be Strong, Be Smart and VOTE NO!

    • diane September 9, 2013 at 14:03 #

      why is UCLA and long beach memorial..magnet after union? no boby is addressing this….because the hospital had to give some profits and pay the per diem better, have extra techs and so forth..etc……check the facts

    • kelly September 9, 2013 at 14:10 #

      Actually..ICU called CNA….ask them

    • kelly September 9, 2013 at 14:10 #

      may people be able to vote without harassment from anyone………

    • Michelle September 9, 2013 at 14:16 #

      To everybodys helper..

      ICU called CNA..

      and all of their board of Directors are volunteer nurses too.. There are pros and cons to this……..I think this is fair to say…..San Pedro has a pretty good contract….maybe the above Sutter nurses has had a bad experience….It is good to look at both sides dis agree is a right but respect is a must

  5. Cathy T September 8, 2013 at 11:17 #

    The CNA couldn’t find enough nurses to come to their rally so they brought longshoremen union members? I thought this was about nurses and patient care not the longshoremen’s union?
    Edith, any comment on this?

    • ANN September 8, 2013 at 22:06 #

      I guess because management is bullying and harassing the nurses,..

      they already have a charge against them form the labor board..whatever the results..It takes place on NOv 23rd…..any comments Cathy T…or did you not know about this…….does not sound like it…….better check it out………more facts this site does not mention…hmmmm..We wonder why…..

      • RN LCM September 9, 2013 at 10:07 #

        Shame on you Ann! You know full well it is you who is harassing the RN’s. Constant text messages and phone calls while RN’s are at work. It is being reported to HR……

        • diane September 9, 2013 at 14:08 #

          remember your core values RNLCM…it is disruptive behavior to show disrespect..just because you disagree…..

        • diane September 9, 2013 at 14:09 #

          may people be able to vote in peace……whatever they choose ……..

        • Michelle September 9, 2013 at 14:12 #

          CAreful RNLCM…..don’t be mean…people are entitled to their opinions…just cause it may vary from yours…….respect is a core value

      • Gee September 10, 2013 at 21:44 #

        Labor board are allegations, not charges. It is in response to solicitaion on the premises which is not permitted. Not harrassment charges and it is only a hearing no charges have been filed. YOU need to get your facts straight!!!

    • tina September 8, 2013 at 22:28 #

      because administration is intimidating nurses. and have been indicted..for harassing employees to organize. .check out the hearing on NOv 23rd..whatever the outcome is…LCMH is in trouble……

    • Jo September 8, 2013 at 22:31 #

      LCMh is being indicted for violating labor laws..hearing on NOv 23rd….union or not

      LCMh is in trouble..did you know that CAthy T? ….do your homework

  6. RN@LCM September 7, 2013 at 13:28 #

    CNA truly does not care about nurses or patients. It’s all about the money and getting their membership back up after dropping down to a low of 6.6% in 2012 from almost 35% in the 1950’s. California has so many labor laws to protect employees, we don’t NEED them anymore. They discovered hospitals that are rooted in the community and gotten their fangs in to try to suck the life out of them by dividing the nurses from their relationships with management and collecting dues/fees, which is the only thing keeping them in business. Stacy from the ED in the video was an embarrassment to the hospital and is probably getting thousands of dollars paid to her by the union for her actions. I anticipate a NO vote against the union and we will be successful in this campaign, however we keep the fight going until we know they are out. They have no integrity or morals in how they operate.

    • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:28 #

      It was pretty bogus to have rose and carol talk..since they are education people and not bedside nurses that can vote……please do not lie..get real nurses to talk if they are anti union.. not education people..

      • LCM RN September 8, 2013 at 13:49 #

        If you watched the video , there were 4 nurses that were interviewed. Rose, and Carol may not be bedside nurses , but they have been with LCM for 20+ years, their knowledge about the ministry is awesome. They wanted to be part of the bargaining unit, it’s to bad CNA excluded them . Maybe because they knew that would give them an even bigger disadvantage. The other two nurses Kathleen and Lindsey are bedside nurses. What they say is great.
        Maybe you should get the facts. It’s uneducated people like you that make all of us hate the UNION.
        Do your research. If CNA Represented nurses , it’s funny how Longshoremen showed up to chant “We are the NURSES “!!
        It was great, made the union look even more pathetic 🙂
        Not to mention the accident they caused in front of the hospital !!! Patient care they say…. HMM…….
        So Edith keep your comments coming, because it just shows the rest of us , how much more we don’t want the union here.
        Thank You for all your Ridiculous comments ..

        • Janet September 8, 2013 at 21:52 #

          Long Beach, UCLA all have some pretty good contracts.. Have you read them? and…..UClA and Long Beach also became magnet after unionization… those are the facts.. Whether you like to hear them or not

        • Janet September 8, 2013 at 21:55 #

          That is because your management is intimidation the staff at Providence LCMH…. check out San Pedros contract, Long Beach memorial and UCLA..oh and….UCLA and LOng Beach became Magnet AFTER unionization , DId oyu know that Why don’t you show your real name…LCM RN?

        • Janet September 8, 2013 at 22:00 #

          Show us your comments on why San Pedro and Long Beach memorial became magnet after CNA intervened……
          Thank you Edith for speaking up …

          don’t let this nameless LCM RN bully you….core values must be maintained….LCMH sure does not want another charge against the labor board.. like the one they must answer for on NOv 23rd ….. probably why she wont even use her first name .

        • ANN September 8, 2013 at 22:03 #

          I think you may have a surprise come the election..Sn Pedro has a pretty good contract……..nameless LCM RN….so does UCLA and LOng BEach Memorial….both magnet hospitals after CNA intervened…..

          keep your comments coming Janet and Edith….I will tell more about this site…..spread the word.

        • ANN September 8, 2013 at 22:07 #

          because they are not bedside nurses….hello?..remember core values..lcmh in trouble with labor board already…NOv 23rd……….

        • Jo September 9, 2013 at 08:07 #

          only bedside nurses can vote..check your labor board laws and rules and get knowledge…this is NLB rules and they have also idicted LCMH for violations…..hmmmmmm.. Why is that?

        • JAnet September 9, 2013 at 14:24 #

          Rose and carol are good people..but not bedside Rns..that is why they are excluded..per labor board rules

      • RN LCM September 9, 2013 at 07:32 #

        Oh Edith…..

        The truth is union dues are a reality, pay is frozen until/if there is a contract.

        To all my RN’s Keep positive! The angry will continue to be angry.

        Vote NO!

        • JAnet September 9, 2013 at 14:23 #

          You are entitles to your opinion RN LCM..but please be respectful and not condescending

    • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:32 #

      better check your records.. because san pedro and long beach have some great your home work…and talk to real nurses…not management

    • edith September 7, 2013 at 21:55 #

      why could you not get bedside rns..only Rose and Carol..they are educators..and cant vote…..nice going..making easy it for CNA…keep up the goof=d owrk

    • tina September 8, 2013 at 22:26 #

      Then why is LCMH being charged and having to answer to the labor board on Nov 23rd…..regardless of the outcome…….

      It is because they violated the labor laws and an employees right to organize…..

      LCMH also made 22 million in profits ……while they laid off 24 nurses last year…..this is factual.. this is public record

  7. Debbie September 6, 2013 at 11:42 #

    The video of the LCM nurses speaking was wonderful. How embarrassing that the NNU/CNA nurses couldn’t form an intelligent sentence. The just mimicked the union line and fumbled their words. No heart or compassion at all. That’s not what Little Company of Mary is about.
    I have to vote no. I don’t want them representing me, my hospital or nurses anywhere.

    • RN LCM September 6, 2013 at 14:20 #

      I could not agree more. The first one who spoke got us a bunch of no votes! We are so excited! We are ashamed for her.

      The other one sits in our break room bothering the RN’s on their lunch breaks. She has got us a few no votes too!!!

      • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:30 #

        don’t be so quick.. we all know that rose and carol are education people and cannot vote….where are the real nurses that are anti union..cant find any huh????

      • edith September 7, 2013 at 21:57 #

        Carol and Rose are educators..not bedside RNs….they cant even vote..they do not speak for us………go CNA….why don’t you get actual nurses who can vote…it might give you more credibility…….but it is too late huh

    • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:35 #

      is that the best you an do just carol and rose..good education people but terrible liars..they cant even vote….not smart on your part….

      • Sutter Tracy RN September 9, 2013 at 09:33 #

        As I read the posts, I see how ugly it’s obviously gotten at your hospital and the election hasn’t even taken place. This is a very telling sign of what’s to come; should the union prevail. You will have a divided house with frienships broken and teamwork thrown out the window. How do I know this? Because this is what’s happening at our Hospital – Sutter Tracey — the union was elected at our hopsital, March 2012. The union only won by a small margin (3 votes) – now 18 months later we have no contract, a lot of changes in managament and broken promises from the C.N.A. The union even re-asssigned our Labor Rep and left our bargaining reps to really fend for themselves at the table with management. We liked the rep we had, we don’t like our current nurse reps. The message from the union has changed as well. Initially it was about nursing practices and patient care, now its about their right to collect dues and now we are hearing the union wants to take us out on a strike. Most of us feel really lost right now. And this all because we foolishly gave the union a chance. Think long and hard when you go to the polls this week. God Bless and Good Luck.

    • Jo September 9, 2013 at 08:09 #

      This why is LCMH being indicted Nov 23rd whether the nurses vote yes or no???hearing takes place that day because LCMH violated labor laws

  8. Michael September 4, 2013 at 18:54 #

    I didn’t think I would care either way about a union or no union until I did my homework. I am voting no.
    I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I am glad that how you vote is a secret to everyone.

  9. Citrus Valleys RNS Against CNA September 2, 2013 at 07:10 #

    Hang in there — remain strong. Sorry we missed your rally, but our thoughts and prays were with you and will be until your election. Tell your co-workers, once CNA is in, they are like cockroaches — they never leave and its hard to get rid of them. CNA has been at our hospital for the 7 years — we tried to get rid of them a couple of years ago, we thought we had the votes to do it. Union won because they intimidated and bullied some of our foreign born nurses –threatened to have them sent back to their country. To me, they are just a bunch of thugs. They try and pretend that’s it’s about nursing practices, but really it’s all about them and the money. Good luck guys!!!!

    • Don September 3, 2013 at 08:42 #

      Keep up the pressure on the CNA/NNU the dues are outrageous and you get little or nothing in return. Productivity gets worse with the union gets in. Don’t get caught up in the rhetoric
      You can and will be better off without unionizing. Once there embedding in your hospital it’s like a major roach infestation. I’ve experienced it myself.

  10. Providence Holy Cross Defeated SEIU-UHW Now Little Company of Mary Will Bring the Fight to the SEIU Organizers and Their Cheap Purple Bus August 26, 2013 at 12:08 #

    On Monday night, August 23rd, 2013, Providence Holy Cross employees defeated the SEIU-UHW. It was an overwhelming defeat for SEIU-UHW here in Mission Hills. It was the employees who battled back during the SEIU-UHW invasion. Our friends at Little Company of Mary in Torrance, California are ready to fight back. Everything the Union throws at you guys you throw it right back at them. If you don’t support the union coming into your hospital now is the time for you to get vocal. Good luck Little Company of Mary!

    • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:36 #

      its CNA for nurses.. not seiu….check your facts…..

  11. No union at Holy Cross August 20, 2013 at 14:37 #

    Wow! First there’s a vidoe of Liz Castillo punching out a member. Watch this video of SEIU members testifying at a LA council hearing about union lies, theft and intimidation.

    We’re seeing what the union is doing to us and our co-workers and they havent won the election. Dont let them in our house!

  12. No union at Holy Cross August 20, 2013 at 14:34 #

    Union has been telling us we’d have to pay only $20/month. Just saw it plans to raise dues next year…$32 per month minimum.

    Union reps got so aggresive in the cafeteria today that they had to call security.

    VOTE NO this week!

  13. No union at Holy Cross August 20, 2013 at 08:36 #

    SEIU plans to raise union dues. Plan to make employees pay $32 per month if they make less than $19000 or 2% if they get paid $19000 to $74000. You pay even more if you make more than $74000. Why should hardworking Holy Cross employees pay SEIU organizers to sit in lawn chairs outside our hospital? How much did members pay for that pimped out purple bus?

  14. RN LCM August 19, 2013 at 17:04 #

    “Hospitals are very often successful at co-opting natural leaders,” McEwen said.

    What can the union do? First is to educate members to see through management’s hype—what labor educator Charley Richardson called the “tricks and traps” designed to lull you into believing you and management have the same concerns at heart. These include joint brainstorming, win-win rhetoric, and trust exercises.

    One strategy is to try to get your people onto the lean team—but they probably won’t be picked, and it’s a “slippery slope,” Sheridan-Gonzalez said. Union members on joint committees should treat every meeting as if it were a bargaining session, with two opposing sides.–

    It’s exactly this sort of divisiveness and demonization that makes unions a very BAD idea in a healthcare setting. No matter how hard a company works to build a better workplace and involve their employees in problem solving some union is going to come around and sow ugliness and suspicion around that effort. Why? Because when healthcare providers work cooperatively together and break down the barriers between management and staff, unions have a tougher time selling their snake oil.

    The solution to these sorts of problems is not a clunky collective bargaining model that’s getting close to 100 years old and failing workers in every sector. The solution is educating and motivating management and staff to work together with greater understanding and cooperation, not less.

    This sort of one-dimensional boss bashing is so outdated, counter-productive and futile. When is Labor Notes going to start really getting out ahead and act like a thought leader to help to solve workplace issues instead of a tool of Big Union working to preserve the corpse of a dying dinosaur?

    I guess when Big Union stops funding Labor Notes!

  15. No union at Holy Cross August 19, 2013 at 10:28 #

    Ugh! Don’t like CNA one bit. Folks at Little Mary ought to look into CNA’s record on social issues. They just dont fit right for nurses at a Catholic hospital.

  16. LittleMaryNurse August 15, 2013 at 21:02 #

    A friend at work told me about this website. I’m at Little Company of Mary like CeeCee. I have worked in both union and non-union hospitals and there really hasn’t been much difference.

    We’re supposed to pay dues and get representation, but I’ve seen the CNA leave people hanging on more than one occasion. Buyer beware!

    • Edith September 7, 2013 at 21:34 #

      do your home work…you aren’t stating the facts ..and you know it..

  17. No union at Holy Cross August 15, 2013 at 15:41 #

    The purple bus is here again today. Lots of union people trying to get us to vote for SEIU. Lots of threats. I can’t believe anyone would want a union that sneaks people into our hospital, disrespects rules, threatens us and won’t leave us alone here or at home. Make this all go away. VOTE NO!

  18. CeeCee August 15, 2013 at 08:15 #

    The union doesn’t have a chance here at Little Company of Mary. We are getting together to push them out! They have no business here at all. They are just trying to look for excuses and making things up.

  19. No union at Holy Cross August 14, 2013 at 09:36 #

    I’m tired of organizers coming to my house and scaring my kids. How do I stop them from coming to my house when I’m working? My kids are home alone. That woman in the video was at Holy Cross. Cant see how any of us would want her representing us.

  20. upmc worker August 12, 2013 at 15:58 #

    Sherwood you can find me on facebook and i can assure you that im a UPMC worker. There was a recent special on CNN about the city of stockton, ca the largest city to file for bankruptcy . at first glance some who are looking to target unions would think they are the cause….but the wasteful spending and the numerous loans got Stockton,CA where they are now….Personally i would like to see more police and fire fighters make the most pay in the city instead of some big wig in a suit… those men and woman put their life on the line for us and there are people out there that think they should work for scraps….

  21. SEIU violence! August 12, 2013 at 09:06 #

    That video is insane! Is this what we can expect from SEIU? Attitude and violence if they don’t agree with us?

    Why would the union let that woman become a leader? That’s not the kind of people I’d want representing me on anything.

  22. Sherwood August 11, 2013 at 21:02 #

    UMPC Worker or SEIU plant? please note in the bottom right hand corner of your website link that it is an SEIU website, not a “UMPC worker site”. Are you the poster a true UMPC employee or an SEIU employee? The LM-2 will eventually show the truth.

  23. upmc worker August 9, 2013 at 09:07 #

    support the unions they are for the worker…why do u think the police, teacher, pro sports, fire fighter and other have unions…i mean the country does better when there are more unions. For the union to be there in the first place there must be a reason for them to be there…low pay bad benefits? the big businesses like the Coke brothers and the Walmart owners the Waltons fund websites like this among others and want to keep workers down!

    • Sherwood August 9, 2013 at 16:33 #

      Interesting that cities, towns and municipalities across the country are filing for bankruptcy or are near bankruptcy, in large part due to caving years ago to union demands of outrageous pensions and benefit packages. Do we learn from the mistakes, selfishness, foolishness and outright unscrupulousness of those who walked before us?
      We must take a stand now, only the insane continue to take the same actions repeatedly expecting a different outcome and wondering why again they fail.
      Unions are not what they were 20, 30 or 50 years ago. Today they are nothing more than a big business seeking a way to make more profits in a market where their product has not evolved to meet the needs of the consumer they must serve. The educated consumer will see through the smokescreen and reject them.


  24. Worried at Holy Cross August 2, 2013 at 12:52 #

    Thanks for posting this! I’m a tech at Holy Cross and am concerned about this union election we have coming up later this month. My coworkers and I don’t think that the union will fit in with our way of doing things. Personally I don’t see much value in paying the dues either, unless the SEIU guarantees us better pay and benefits. Seems like a gamble.

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