West Anaheim Medical Center

Lowell General Hospital
Welcome Lowell Nurses and Staff Please Click This Link and Sign the Petition!

Rideout Memorial Hospital
Regan sell office to finance deal with hospital bosses Dave Regan Defends SEIU SEIU board member embezzles funds Letter to Rideout Employees Estimado Empleado de Rideout Hospital

Rio Grande Regional Hospital Texas
February 14th 2014 We have had enough of the SEIU! The Rio Grande Regional Regional Freedom Fighters have filed a petition to Decertify the SEIU

Vallourec Star Youngstown
YOUNGSTOWN VALLOUREC REMAINS UNION FREE UE loses 148 to 367 Congratulations to everyone who took the time and put out the effort to be heard, you made a difference. United Electrical Workers (UE) is organizing and vote dates have been set. It is important that EVERYONE votes. The union has already started a disinformation […]

Southwest Healthcare System, Inland Valley Medical Center and Ranch Springs Medical Center
Inland Valley Medical Center and Rancho Springs Medical Center UNAC LOSES! Nurses Win ! 287 to 182! AGAINST UNIONIZING Rally Time!!! Who decides how YOUR pie is sliced? The “Rally” that UNAC called for was attended by more pro-hospital staff and the press than by union supporters….. A […]

St. Joseph Health Queen of the Valley
Queen of the Valley Medical Center, Napa California Napa Nurses voted 248 to 140 to join CNA in a secret ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board, according to CNA. Nearly 500 RNs at Queen of the Valley will now be represented by CNA. *************************************************************** St Joseph of Orange Health System – the […]
Houston Northwest Medical Center
Nurses at Houston Northwest Medical Center successfully pushed back a union attack by the NNOC/California Nurses Association. The union had scheduled an NLRB election for later this week. Grassroots nurses rallied the troops and pushed back hard and strong against this union giant. The NNOC reeling from the huge amount of support these nurses were […]

SEIU 1199 Healthcare Workers East UMMC Watch
“SEIU Local 1199 Healthcare Workers East wants to organize about 2,000 service workers and technical employees at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Our employer has agreed to allow the union to access to the hospital for several months. Union reps will be in our break rooms and other locations around the hospital to spread […]

Chapman Hospital Orange California
November 28th 2012 SEUI Challenged 35 voters. All against SEIU, actual COUNT.. 125 no votes to 48 yes votes. This challenge was made in the last few hours BEFORE the vote. SEIU knew they would lose by a BLOWOUT and tried to save face. A futile effort. SEIU DEFEATED! Chapman Hospital Employees Vote 90 […]