SEIU and NNU is organizing at Orlando Health

think hard

Rose Ann Scream

Dear Organizers

Home Visits Bullying




“CNA/NNU held a rally in Orlando recently.  A few people turned up, but many were people from other unions.  Does representation mean marching around chanting slogans?
Are these the people you want representing you?”

Registered Nurses and allied healthcare professionals  from several Orlando Health hospitals have contacted asking for help and advice on putting down this aggressive union organizing campaign. is here for you.

Rio Grande Nurses learned the hard way and had to work even harder to fix it


NNU profits from your dues, so could some of your coworkers...

NNU profits from your dues, so could some of your coworkers…




UnioncardsDon’t sign that card
If you signed a card and want to rescind it click here

SEIU Constitution 2012




9 Responses to SEIU and NNU is organizing at Orlando Health

  1. Sherwood Cox July 7, 2014 at 11:06 #

    Orlando Health Employees, is here to help you get rid of the NNU and SEIU. What can we do for you?

  2. Someone who knows December 13, 2013 at 07:49 #

    Take if from someone who has been there, if you decide to unionize, you will regret it. The union wants your money. They are after your paycheck. The don’t care what kind of a contract you end up with – they will collect the dues. Get educated before you vote. Get facts from other unionized nurses. There is a lot of money at stake and that is why the union wants in.

    • Brian Henericks January 13, 2014 at 12:25 #

      Hello, I am an RN at St. Louis u. Hospital. Our NNOC contract was approved and became active on July 1, 2013. Our contract was voted on over Father’s day weekend and was not announced until Friday afternoon at 5pm. The RN’s that wanted the NNOC was contacted. Only 38% of the nursed voted on this contract. NNOC collected 234 signature cards during the voting process.

      It is now January 13, 2014 and we have not paid union dues yet. The reason why is that NNOC has losted the signature cards. Without the cards, our payroll dept will not deduct the union dues from our paychecks. The NNOC has promised us that they will not collect for the back dues when they finally collect all the signatures. But don’t forget, the hospital will be responsible for firing all the RN’s who refuse to join the union. That’s in the contract.

      I opposed the union from the beginning. I tried to collect signatures so that the NLRB would take a new vote. The NNOC and Tenet rushed through a midnight negotiation and passed our contract with no changes in staffing ratio’s, benefits, retirement or salaries. Our union contract is an agreement between Tenet (who owns St Louis U. Hosp) and NNOC/CNA/AFL-CIO. Tenet is paying NNOC through our union dues. The RN is not benefiting from the new contract or anything that the union is providing.

      Don’t fall the their lies, tricks or free food.

      Brian Hendricks

  3. sarah lasher November 9, 2013 at 14:57 #

    My name is Sarah Lasher and I am one of the RN’s who was speaking at that rally. I wonder if the media or perhaps an attorney would like to know that this website had “ucf students” interview nurses and others at this rally under false pretense. Yes, so that everyone is clear, these “students” LIED. I wonder if UCF would like to know about this or perhaps they were not UCF students at all. You see, we do not lie about who we are. Yes, I am a union supporter and leader and do not pretend to be someone I am not. What were they afraid of? If you are anti-union speak your mind but do not LIE about it. What they did not show in this video is the reason for our rally. We want to ensure that our patients continue to receive safe, effective and quality patient care. We want to have a voice in our benefits, pay and work environment. Since when is having a voice a bad thing? Without collective bargaining, employees are at the mercy of whatever their corporation decides to do as ours has made that very clear to us. My personal reasons for doing this are not just about the pay cuts. I remember working full time and raising three little children during nursing school. Many nights I got two maybe three hours a sleep. The point is, I worked very hard for my license and am not willing to risk losing it because of nurse/patient staffing ratios. Yes on some floors that the ratio has not changed yet, but it IS happening on others. As more RNs and RTs leave due to these pay cuts, we will become even more short staffed.

    In regards to the rally, yes other unions were there to support us however that is what happens at a rally. It is called solidarity, and unions support one another. Obviously, the people that run this site know this but chose to send the message that it was unheard of. Yes, chants are also part of a rally. They chose to film our chants but notice that our heartfelt speeches were not recorded. Why is that? You did not want others to see the REAL reason we had the rally. I say this, if you chose to not support unionization that is your right to do so, but when you BLATANTLY LIE about who you are that is truly disgraceful and deplorable. We have honorable intentions, however perhaps this website does not. BTW, perhaps we will invite you to the next rally and maybe this time you can be honest about who you are and what your intentions are. Honesty is a great thing, you should try it sometime.

    Thank you,
    Sarah Lasher RN

  4. Mary Sunshine November 6, 2013 at 08:18 #

    @Lisa Berry- most nurses are Democrat and supported Obamacare right up until it started affecting their paychecks. Don’t know about the Cali. issues with partial birth abortion and union dues, but did a majority nurses agree that this is what they wanted supported? Just because it is your belief that it is horrible doesn’t mean everyone shares this opinion.
    If anyone is upset or has been affected negatively, or just feel that it is wrong just to take 20% an employees salary away while decreasing staff, increasing nurse to patient ratios, compromising patient safety… well you need to sign a card and vote ‘yes’ for the Unions.
    ORMC is great at sharing information, but they are not going to listen to staff, nor give the money back or rather stop further cuts without collective bargaining!
    Face it…. this is the New Reality of Healthcare! It is a business not just public service, and the bottom-line matters.
    I just wonder if OH is so far in debt why are they not cutting the Executive’s salary? Oh that’s right they have a CONTRACT!!! Wake up

  5. stephen October 30, 2013 at 15:45 #

    why would i oppose the union because people did chants at a rally? that video was pretty embarrassing.

  6. GIOVANNI GARZON October 9, 2013 at 18:33 #

    It was difficult to watch these 3 videos. the last two were completely fake and set up. The first one had questionable statements. The union is not a third party. The employees are the Union. Union dues depend on which Union. 1199 SEIU is only 2% of your base pay. Considering OH wants to cut my pay by $1,000 a month, a 2% to have a say, is worth it. Dues are optional in Florida. That is the law! You don’t ever have to pay dues unless you choose to. No one pays dues until you have voted to approve a first contract and dues are tax deductible.

    I worked at Children’s Hospital of San Diego (Now Rady Childrens Hospital). It has been by far the most enjoyable Respiratory Job I have ever had. I spoke with many employees in regards to the Union as i came from Florida. The overal view point is that they create a new contract approved by the employees yearly and basically their employees are paid better, the benefits were cheaper and better, Overtime was 2.3 (thats double time plus 0.3). They were extremely organized with assignments and their employees had a say. My old supervisor from CHOSD saw my posts on Facebook in regards to what is happening to employees at OH. He sent me OH hospitals financial records which are public. After reviewing them he stated, your hospital system makes so much money there is no reason to cut your employees pay.

    As far as Obama…well I didn’t vote for him. And many who did are now questioning that action. Everyone has their own opinion and we are all allowed to have one. I believe our country should have affordable health care for all. I really do. we are one of the wealthiest countries on the planet. But I believe Obamacare was ill conceived. It should be stopped and taken back to the drawing board until its fixed, affordable to all, and i am just against the idea that it is mandatory. I just dont see how that ever will work.

    I am definately in favor of protecting my future at my job. I vote Union.

    • SC October 11, 2013 at 09:16 #

      The third video is clearly a parody and meant to poke fun at the union. The video in which the SEIU organizer assaults the person shooting video with a cellphone is real and and well documented. The first video was taken at a rally, the people interviewed were speaking from the heart.

  7. Lisa Berry October 7, 2013 at 19:37 #

    I am a respiratory therapist at Winnie Palmer in the NICU, and I am one of the people that contacted Stopunions for help. I am adamantly opposed to unionizing after years of working in South Florida hospitals and enduring the bullying tactics used by SEIU organizers. These unions make all kinds of promises they can’t keep to get voted in so they can collect their members’ dues – and for what? To fill the coffers of Democrat politicians and union bosses. Barack Obama has a longstanding close association with the SEIU and received millions of union dollars to support his candidacy and influence lawmakers to pass Obamacare. It’s insane to give these people any of our money to continue pushing socialized medicine on us and destroying our profession. Of particular interest to the NICU staff, the California Nurses Union has used their members’ money to both support partial birth abortion legislation and oppose bans on partial birth abortion. Sick.
    Our organization has enough trouble on its plate without letting the unions in to cause further disruption. I urge everyone at Orlando Health to follow the links on this site and watch the videos of other hospital employees that have unionized and now regret it. If you are frustrated and angry with the changes being made in our hospitals, I don’t blame you – I’m not happy with administration either. Write all the letters you want, march up and down Orange Avenue all day and night, talk to the media . . . just inform yourselves very thoroughly from a variety of sources before you go along with unionizing.

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