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January 14, 2010

Mountain View Hospital Las Vegas RN’s lost their voice and independence today, losing to the California Nurses Association/NNOC in a 240 to 152 vote. Months ago their management accepted a “Neutrality Agreement” with the labor union. This agreement greatly limits the ability of staff who are against unionizing to educate their coworkers while allowing union […]

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July 21, 2009

There was supposed to be a vote July 21st and 22nd 2009 to decide if Mountain View Hospital Las Vegas Nevada nurses choose the California Nurses Association as their union. After months and months of organizing and spending thousands and thousands of dollars collected from the dues of it’s members, the CNA filed a petition […]

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July 7, 2009

Hahnemann nurses vote against nurses unions 309 to 267! Handing the CNA/NNOC another defeat.  Read more here….

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June 21, 2009

Cypress Fairbanks Nurses decertification election set for June 25th and 25th. All Nurses must vote. Do not waste your chance to be heard. Vote “NO” and send the California Nurses the message that you and your colleagues do not need the CNA to be heard.

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April 24, 2009

Centerpoint Nurses successfully decertify the AFT/Nurses United Union by a vote of 226 to 78! This is a historic and monumental decision to regain their professional voice and take back their hospital. We are so proud of you all in standing tall against the powerful AFL/CIO American Federation of Teachers/Nurses United.

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St. Agnes

St. Agnes

Thank you March 9, 2009 Great News!! Thank you to our many supporters!!! Saint Agnes Medical Center received notification from the NLRB that the California Nurses Association withdrew their petition for election!!! We said “CNA go away”….and they walked away!! The last few days we really stepped up our grassroots effort. The final straw was […]

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March 9, 2009

The California Nurses Association Withdraws from the Election at St Agnes Medical Center in Fresno, California. Under pressure from the Grassroots Team of Professionals, the CNA saw that defeat was staring them down. Congratulations St Agnes!!!!!

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February 2009

The California Nurses Association has once again disrespected the voice of nurses; St. Agnes Medical Center in Fresno California, despite a 94% voter turnout, huge public support, a rally on the hospital grounds and a radio broadcast hosted by Inga Barks of KMJ 580 talk radio must suffer through another union organization campaign. The CNA […]

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May 22, 2008

The Nurses of St Agnes Medical Center have once again voted against unionizing with the California Nurses Association. For over a year the California Nurses Association has pressured the RN’s at this Central California Hospital to organize. With help from a small but vocal and effective group of dedicated professionals, St Agnes Nurses saw the […]

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May 2008

St Agnes Medical Center Fresno California nurses set to vote May 21st and 22nd 2008 againt unionization by the California Nurses Association. On May 15th 2008 A rally was held by the grass roots group of RN’s representing nurses opposed to the California Nurses Association. The turnout was huge and the rally a great success. A […]

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